When Zara Richardson came forward with her story, the world was stunned. This woman has an unfortunate condition that gives her uncontrollable orgasm. So if she does mundane things like heading to groceries or vacuuming the house, she actually orgasms.
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Thirty-year-old Richardson, who hails from Britain, has a rare condition that is affecting sexual organs called persistent sexual arousal syndrome, which causes her to orgasm up to 500 times a day.
As some may be quick to judge that this is easily the most satisfying thing that can happen to anyone, Richardson suffers consequences from feeling constantly aroused. “People think I’m always in ecstasy, but the orgasms just destroy my existence. The simplest action can make me a reaction. It’s insanely exhausting!” She shares.
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Richardson is reported to have the worst case documented of the disease. She was given the diagnosis back in 2010 after constantly enduring orgasms even in the most random situations.
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At first, her diagnosis was written as just a simple increased hormone production, but even Richardson knew something was off. The young woman feared that she was just being viewed as a nymphomaniac. But to be clear, Richardson’s condition is no way related to any form of hypersexuality.
“I knew that with me something is wrong. Orgasm could happen in the supermarket, when I ran for the product . . . or when in my pocket vibrating cell phone. Trains were my nightmare: the constant movement provoked a wave of sexual pleasure,” she narrates. For her treatment, Richardson has been prescribed with antidepressants.
Richardson is not alone. There are numerous women suffering the same condition.
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Richardson has experienced difficulties because of the disease, especially when it comes to her relationships. She finds it difficult to achieve sexual satisfaction as many men do not feel up to the challenge when engaging in sexual activities with her.
Richardson aims to help other people dealing with her condition. She wants medical professionals to research on the disorder to eliminate the discomfort they have to deal with every day.
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