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Tree Houses that Will Tempt You to Live Off the Grid


Let’s face it; it was once our dream to build our own tree house. There is just something more exciting sleeping in a wooden house up on a tree than sleeping on a cozy bedroom.

As an adult, we aren’t brave enough to throw away the comfort of a large home and live off the grid and in a tree house. But wait until you see these beautiful tree houses, you will sure be tempted to move in right away.

Here are some of the most comfortable tree houses we can find.

1. Yep, it even has a bar.

2. How about an invisible tree house?

3. Here’s a small but very comfy one.


4. A Victorian house on a tree.

5. One of the best traits of a tree house is the view.

6. A classy house.


7. A Dali-inspired tree house.

8. A pod tree house.

9. Living off the grid done right.


10. Doesn’t living here look better?

11. A log cabin tree house.

12. A tree house with a skate park.

13. Can I move in now?

14. What a nice place to relax.

15. It isn’t done yet it already looks good.

16. This one is better than your own house.

17. Your whole family can live up here.

18. Proof!


Enjoying the story? Click on the links below.

10 Most Terrific Tree Houses on the Planet- These are Amazing!

Climb Into One of These Epic Tree Houses Around the World

Written by andrew

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