They say, “Love is not blind. It sees, but it doesn’t mind.” Yes, it’s all about love, not the appearance of the one you love. Married couple Elo and Mara have proven the world just that when they sealed their love for each other, with a very heartwarming behind proving that size doesn’t matter.

Elo’s height did not matter for Mara as she was head over heels in love with him. What he lacks in height, she will complete as being the extension of his legs and arms.

Elo is so grateful that Mara loved him despite his imperfections. He even refers to her as the perfect woman and the answer to his prayers.

Their relationship is a living testimony that love, indeed, knows no boundaries, even if that meant Mara has to stoop down to kiss his groom on their wedding day.
The lovely couple has been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, whom they named Liam.

Witness Elo and Mara’s heartwarming wedding vows in this video.
Here are more love stories that prove size doesn’t matter:
6-foot Brazilian Girl To Marry Her Boyfriend Who Is A Foot Shorter Than Her
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