
These Underwater Haunts Are the Creepiest You Will Find …Visit Them at Your Own Risk


Being in a vast and mysterious expanse, the deep blue sea hides a  multitude of secrets that no one knows anything about. We are yet to discover what the ocean truly holds. However, we all get shivers up our spines every time we stare at the beautiful yet creepy hue of the deep.

It’s only natural for us to feel this way. Why? It’s because the oceans have had already claimed countless lives and consumed many souls. With that in mind, we have prepared a list below of the creepiest places underwater. Despite their beauty, these are the types of waters that no one should consider lightly.

Chuuk Lagoon

The Chuuk Lagoon is protective reef that is so massive it looks almost like a natural harbor. It resembles a tropical wonder that is roughly 1,800 kilometers away from the tip of New Guinea. It seems like a magical place to visit, but don’t let its beauty deceive you.

The Lagoon hides a terrifying history within and is now a diver’s paradise.

Despite its allure, the ambiance of the place is still very eerie and downright horrifying. You’re probably wondering, What can make such a beautiful place scary? Well, it’s because of the skulls that are scattered around the lagoon itself.

Deep beneath the waters of Chuuk Lagoon is an underwater necropolis of skulls and bones.

During the Second World War, a Japanese base in the South Pacific was thoroughly destroyed by the American forces. The result was catastrophic. The aftermath of the attack caused 275 Japanese aircraft and 60 Japanese warships to sink at the bottom of the ocean.

Bushman’s Hole




Boesmansgat, which is also known as Bushman’s Hole, is a sinkhole that has been dived by humans but only up to 927 feet (to date). It is situated in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.

One known cases of death in the area is that of diver Deon Dreyer. Dreyer died in the waters at a depth of 50 meters in 1994. Ten years later, renowned cave diver David Shaw found Dreyer’s body.

But Shaw died in the waters too while attempting to recover Dreyer’s corpse. Shaw’s camera captured every moment, and the footage shows that Dreyer’s head got detached from his body during his attempt to go deep down the Bushman’s Hole.

Shaw got entangled in Dreyer’s safety line, and panic began to set in.

Shaw remained with the headless corpse until his demise, and both bodies were discovered later while a search for some lost equipment was conducted.

The Blue Hole

This submarine sinkhole is located off the coast of Egypt in the Red Sea, and the name Blue Hole fits it perfectly. The opening of the hole is 6 meters deep, while the hole itself is more than 450 feet deep. It also has a 26-meter-long tunnel, which is a shallow one. But the scare factor of these waters doesn’t just stop at its aquatic hazards.

Nitrogen narcosis is one of the reasons people feel haunted and lost inside the hole’s tunnel.

Many divers would agree that at such depths, nitrogen narcosis is quite expected. The phenomenon alters the perception of a diver, disorients him, and causes some hallucinations as well, making it quite difficult for the victim to escape the waters. Ultimately, the diver will succumb to the effects of nitrogen narcosis and will eventually meet an unfortunate fate.

The ghost of a girl, who committed suicide by jumping in the hole to escape an unwanted arranged marriage, is believed to be haunting the deep water.

The Blue Hole has claimed forty lives, whose deaths are often related to supernatural activity due to the inexplicability of their untimely demise.




Sunshine Skyway

The bridge is the scene of many tragedies. One is the 1980 collision between the US Coast Guard Cutter Blackthorn and Capricorn, an inbound freighter. This tragic event left twenty-three coast guardmen on board dead.

In the same year, the inbound freighter Summit Venture collided with the bridge support, causing the structure to collapse and consequentially claimed the lives of thirty-five people. It left six cars, one truck, and a greyhound bus floating on the waters.

Since then, more than 200 people have committed suicide and jumped in the waters of the Tampa Bay near the bridge. Divers have reported seeing strange lights in the water that people believe are what lured those who have committed suicide.




RMS Rhone Wreckage

The RMS Rhone was shipwrecked off the coast of Salt Island during the San Narciso hurricane of 1867. It took with it 123 of the 146 people on board.

The passengers of the Rhone were tied to their beds to keep them from getting hurt, a measure that was rather considered a general practice at the time.

Professional divers have claimed that they hear strange noises of people groaning or screaming. They’ve also claimed that they feel someone tugging at their shoulders, but when they turn around, there’s nobody. Even the National Geographic Channel’s series Is It Real? has been interested in the real story behind the shipwreck because of all the paranormal events witnessed around the area.

The Conway, a ship that was also stuck in the hurricane, decided that it’d be best if they transferred their passengers to the “unsinkable” Rhone.

The idea was that the Rhone could sail in the open sea against all odds to reach its destination, while the Conway would go for harbor.

Remember, the ocean and open seas are a marvelous place to be in. However, always take caution and take time to learn about its history. You never know, you might just be swimming in a haunted part of the planet.




Check out the articles for more amazing yet somewhat creepy parts of our vast oceans:

These are the Top 12 Best Dive Spots in Florida …Prepare for an Amazing Time

These Blue Holes are Among Nature’s Most Beautiful Artwork …Awesome

These are the World’s 15 Most Hauntingly Beautiful Shipwrecks




Written by andrew

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