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The World’s Richest Celebrities Who Drive the Cheapest Cars

6. Leonardo DiCaprio – Toyota Prius Hybrid

Ever since Titanic, diCaprio has made quite a name for himself in the movie industry. Despite being part of the top ten biggest movie stars around, he clearly loves to drive in his 4 cylinder Toyota Prisu Hybrid.

7. Clint Eastwood – GMC Typhoon

Legendary actor and director Clint Eastwood may have a sizable bank account to boot his successful career, he chooses to drive in his GMC Typhoon during his day to day activities.


8. Daniel Radcliffe – Fiat Punto

Best known for his role in the Harry Potter franchise, British actor Daniel Radcliffe is truly one simple guy. Despite his world wide fame and increasing status as an A list celeb, he prefers to enjoy his day driving in his Fiat Punto.

9. Mel Gibson – Toyota Cressida

Mad Max star and Braveheart actor Mel Gibson has every right to drive in a sweet and expensive ride. But instead, he chooses to cruise around town in his Toyots Cressida.

10. Justin Timberlake – Volkswagen Jetta

Justin Timberlake? Here is another A list celeb whose worldwide fame did not stop him from living the simple life that he had right before the fame. This former N Sync member drives a Volkswagen Jetta. Not bad?


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Written by andrew

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