30 Photos Proving That Floyd Mayweather Jr. Is Literally the ‘Money Man’

30 Photos Proving That Floyd Mayweather Jr. Is Literally the ‘Money Man’

Who packs clothes when you’re this rich, right?

[media-credit name=”Elite Readers” link=”http://mmapremium.com.br/” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″]floyd7[/media-credit]

Floyd prefers to count his money while waiting for the trip to finish

[media-credit name=”Elite Readers” link=”http://www.elitereaders.com/” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″]floyd8[/media-credit]

Money there, money here, money everywhere!

[media-credit name=”Elite Readers” link=”http://www.elitereaders.com/” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″]floyd9[/media-credit]


Floyd neatly arranges them according to their denominations

[media-credit name=”Elite Readers” link=”http://www.elitereaders.com/” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″]floyd10[/media-credit]

Floyd has some friends like 50 Cent, who also likes money

[media-credit name=”Elite Readers” link=”http://www.elitereaders.com/” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″]floyd11[/media-credit]

Floyd couldn’t buy his son a toy car, so he just gave him a Bentley golf cart instead

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When Floyd’s son turned 15, he gave him a Bentley golf cart.

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