Counting stacks of money (especially if they’re not yours!) is tedious task. If you don’t have the right technique, counting wads of money will be confusing and messy. This is why people whose works involve counting money, e.i. bankers, money changers, have developed their own techniques to count money faster.
Youtubers have been uploading videos of people counting money very fast. It is quite mesmerizing and sometimes hypnotic to watch these people count money as fast as they can.
Take a look:
Here’s a Chinese woman counting money by folding the Chinese Yuan in half and flicking them down in alternate directions.

A Filipino money-changer counts the bills as fast as you can say the A, B, C.

Fast money counting by an Indian.

This guy can count money faster than you re wife can spend it!
Here’s how people from different countries count their money.
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