Dunkel Industries’ Epic 4×4 RV Motorhome

Dunkel Industries’ Epic 4×4 RV Motorhome

  Dunkel Industries introduced its US$500,000 luxury 4x4 RV in 2011. This "Toy for Big Boys" is a custom-built truck that features military grade 4x4 system, interior made of wood,…
The Wonderful World of Sharks in Photos

The Wonderful World of Sharks in Photos

  Sharks, these powerful aquatic creatures have prowled the Earth's oceans for 400 million years. Essentially unchanged for almost half a billion years, these predatory fishes fill us with fear…
The Most Amazing Photos of Florida Ever Captured

The Most Amazing Photos of Florida Ever Captured

  Florida, the "Sunshine State," is blessed with wonderful weather and beautiful beaches. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Straits of Florida to the south, and the…
20 Funny Photos of Animal Ninjas

20 Funny Photos of Animal Ninjas

  There are times when animals can be really funny, especially when they show off their inner ninjas. While others are more natural at it, there are some whom you…
Maserati Mostro By Zagato is a Stunning Monster

Maserati Mostro By Zagato is a Stunning Monster

  For some motorists, Zagato might not ring a bell. However, this Milan-based auto design company has created many of the world's most stunning cars. For many years since 1919,…
20 Delicious Pizza Facts To Feed Your Mind

20 Delicious Pizza Facts To Feed Your Mind

  Who doesn't like pizza? It has become a popular choice of food to most Americans since it has emerged in the country. Another reason why people love pizza is…
Do-It-Yourself Nutella Star Bread

Do-It-Yourself Nutella Star Bread

Don't all of our eyes just sparkle at the sight of a jar of Nutella? Perhaps, if you're stressed, you just want to lie in your bed and finish a…
40 Sleeping Animals in Funny Positions

40 Sleeping Animals in Funny Positions

  Sleep is an essential part of life that all living things, except plants, need to continue their daily lives. We human beings especially need the shut-eye for we have a…
10 Most Deadly Volcanoes on Earth

10 Most Deadly Volcanoes on Earth

  Found along the edges of tectonic plates, volcanoes are dangerous land masses that release poisonous gases, boiling magma, and ashes upon explosion. Long before, volcanic explosions were believed to be…
Top 10 Spectacular Themed Apartments

Top 10 Spectacular Themed Apartments

  While some of us just wants a place to stay, these people have clearly different and unique ideas in their mind for luxury living. But who doesn't want to…
Exotic Animals that are Raised as Pets

Exotic Animals that are Raised as Pets

  Animals are really adorable creatures. But, there are those that are too cute that you would not think about them as exotic. Although it is difficult to raise them at…
10 Spine-Chilling Medical X-Rays

10 Spine-Chilling Medical X-Rays

Using radiation to obtain an image for medical purposes, X-ray machines have helped many doctors to be in assistance of people in their needs, whether acquired by accident or through…
20 Cool Facts You Should Know About Antarctica

20 Cool Facts You Should Know About Antarctica

  On the southernmost part of Earth lies one huge and mysterious landmass - the frozen continent of Antarctica. With an area covering about 5.4 million square miles, Antarctica is…
Most Stunning Photos From the Bear Kingdom

Most Stunning Photos From the Bear Kingdom

Bears are furry omnivorous mammals. These hot-blooded creatures can reach up to 9 feet in height and can weigh up 800 pounds. Bears are widespread in their habitats. They can be…
Stunning Chalk Art Pieces in the Streets of Denver

Stunning Chalk Art Pieces in the Streets of Denver

  The Denver Chalk Art competition, widely known as the Colorful Denver Chalk Art Festival Showcase, is a yearly two-day street painting contest that happens on Larimer square in Denver, U.S.A.…
Tham Khoun Ex Caves – Laos’ Hidden Treasure

Tham Khoun Ex Caves – Laos’ Hidden Treasure

  Laos is known for its beautiful landscapes and ornate temples, however, it has now become a must-visit destination because of a newly discovered wonder - the Tham Khoun Ex…
The World’s Longest Wood Carving by Zheng Chunhui

The World’s Longest Wood Carving by Zheng Chunhui

  Zheng Chunhui, a Chinese artist, just revealed an insanely large wooden sculpture, which measures approximately 12.286 meters long, 2.401 meters wide, and 3.075 meters high. The gigantic sculpture, which…
The Stunning Beauty of Australia Caught in Photos

The Stunning Beauty of Australia Caught in Photos

  Australia, the country Down Under. Known for its natural beauty, Australia has become one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world. It is almost impossible to…
20 Creative Tiny Homes For Simpler Life

20 Creative Tiny Homes For Simpler Life

  Small houses are a popular choice for someone who want to have a cool home that is space-conserving. It is also affordable in terms of maintenance. With these trending…
No-Bake Banana Split Icebox Cake

No-Bake Banana Split Icebox Cake

This summer, try teaching your kid to make some easy desserts. There are now a lot of no-bake recipes now online that you can try, just like this Banana Split…
10 Tallest Roller Coasters in the World

10 Tallest Roller Coasters in the World

  Every major themed park in the globe always have roller coasters. Roller coaster is one of the main attractions in every amusement park that gives you the adrenaline rush…
Molten Lava Flows into the Ocean

Molten Lava Flows into the Ocean

  Volcano eruptions are always mesmerizing to watch. This phenomenon is one of nature's tour de force of power and destruction. But while volcanic eruptions causes destruction, they are also…
DIY Decorations for a Cozier Home

DIY Decorations for a Cozier Home

  Decorating our homes and making it cozier does not have to be expensive. There are a lot of do-it-yourself projects that are simple to make, which can beautify your…
Free Dollars in LA For Everyone Who Needs Them

Free Dollars in LA For Everyone Who Needs Them

To see how generous and awesome people from Los Angeles could be, filmmakers Ty Bridges and Thomas Reiten tacked some cash in a bulletin board in Los Angeles' Union Station.…
A Compilation of Cute Baby Bears

A Compilation of Cute Baby Bears

  Better known as panda bear, the panda is a huge bear that is native to South Central China. Its distinctive feature is its black patches around the eyes and…
Futuristic Inventions We Wish Were Real

Futuristic Inventions We Wish Were Real

  The realm of Science Fiction has produced many of the world's most amazing items. Several of these items have become the epitome of life being simplified right before our…
18 Outrageous T-Shirt Designs

18 Outrageous T-Shirt Designs

  Human creativity comes in big and small packages. While some create breakthrough technologies changing human lives like never before, others show their creativity with arts and crafts. Sometimes though, human…
15 Amazing Facts about Sugar

15 Amazing Facts about Sugar

  While sugar is the main suspect for obesity and diabetes, it is also one of the best secrets people use to cure common health disorders and other health concerns.…
15 Dumbest Facebook Posts from Guys

15 Dumbest Facebook Posts from Guys

You’ve seen a lot of dumb posts in Facebook from all the crazy girls in the world, but guys are as crazy as girls when it comes to Facebook. Need…
Extremely Large Animals You Need To See

Extremely Large Animals You Need To See

Believe it or not, these creatures real! And they've made a record for... The Tallest Dog Zeus was a massive Great Dane who weighed 155 pounds with a height that…
Restaurants Serving Food in Weird Objects

Restaurants Serving Food in Weird Objects

Today, there is an odd trend among restaurants, in which they always try to serve food in eccentric ways to set themselves apart from the tight competition. However, there is…
18 Useful Things that Were Invented By Mistake

18 Useful Things that Were Invented By Mistake

In order to create the life-changing products, inventors have to spend years and years. Although most of the results ended up perfectly, their success came a little bit later. But, whether you…
Collection of Cute Baby Ducks

Collection of Cute Baby Ducks

  Ducks are adorable. You can see them anywhere, especially in flocks, which is usually composed of a mother duck and her ducklings. Some even choose to  get pet as ducks…
Do-It-Yourself Rainbow Roses

Do-It-Yourself Rainbow Roses

Rainbow roses are undeniably divine and a great addition to any home. The concept of the "rainbow rose" was first developed by Peter van der Werken, an owner of a Dutch…
24 Outrageous Pet Products You Never Knew Existed

24 Outrageous Pet Products You Never Knew Existed

  These pets are living like humans. They have their set of wardrobe complete with sparkly accessories, they have their own little room, sofa bed and playgrounds and every little thing…