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Once Bullied Because of Her Looks, Now She’s on ‘Playboy’ Magazine Cover

After 62 years, Playboy magazine decided to switch to non-nude content starting this March 2016. The announcement was made October last year, and the magazine featured Pamela Anderson as their last model to pose nude.

See video at the end

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Nineteen-year-old Sarah McDaniel was chosen to be the magazine’s first cover model for their first non-nude issue. If you notice, McDaniel’s unique physical feature is her eyes. Her one eye’s color is different from the other, a condition called heterochromia iridum.

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The pretty gal has already has over 335,000 Instagram followers; however, she doesn’t think of herself as an Instagram model.

“People think that I got famous from Instagram, but I was already a model before. I was actually doing more things in modeling before the [Playboy] cover news came out.”

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McDaniel was born in Roseville, California, and moved to San Diego when she was eight. Actually, she had moved several times during high school because of her father’s job. As a result, she had difficulty forming close friends and many of the kids bullied her because of her appearance.

“My teeth were horrible before I got braces. I gained a little weight when I was younger—there were so many other things that I stressed about. I didn’t wear makeup all through high school or middle school.”

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Written by andrew

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