
New Hair Trend Takes Fashion to a Galactic Level …See Why Girls Are Going Crazy Over It

There’s a new hair trend today that’s got men and women rushing to the hair salon. Its called the Galaxy Hair.

Galaxy Hair involves coloring hair in varying pastel and rainbow colors that mimic colors of the… well, galaxy!

Cassandra Cuccia, a hair colorist at the Marie Robinson Salon, said, “Visiting the salon every few weeks to re-gloss any areas that may have faded from the hair is required. It is also important to be gentle and use minimal heat after this process is done because the hair will be sensitized from all of the lightening.”

If you’re looking forward to joining the newest hair trend, feel free to find inspiration from the photos below:

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Watch the video below to know how to do your own galaxy hair:


Here are other hair trends that are becoming popular today:

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Written by andrew

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