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Meet Bodybuilding Mom Who Continues to Bench-Press Even When She’s 9 Months Pregnant

Lorna Biggam stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 168 pounds. She is a bodybuilding mom who, even when she was nine months pregnant, continued to bench-press 100 kilograms. She ignored the medical advice that told her she needed to slow down from the six hours of weightlifting she does weekly.

Only ten months after delivering her daughter via cesarean section, the mother-of-four qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals.

See video at the end

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To maintain her size, the 40-year-old consumes 4,000 calories per day. She says she wants to get bigger and adds that she will never be happy with her size.

“In bodybuilding, you’re always striving to be bigger and better after each competition. I never feel big enough, so I’m always in competition with myself to improve my size and condition,” she said.

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When she was in labor with baby Quinn, the surgeons found that Lorna has a seven-inch tear in her abdomen. It is common in muscular women because their tight stomach muscles cannot stretch to accommodate a baby. Despite that painful setback, Lorna was in the gym only six weeks post partum.

She recalls, “My midwife said I should calm down my weightlifting regime, but I felt I knew my body best and I carried on as normal.”

She currently works as a full-time firefighter. She juggles her time balancing taking care of four children and fitting in her regular fitness routine.

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Written by andrew

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