
Her Dad Called 911 For Help …But When He Couldn’t Answer the Dispatcher This 5-year-Old Did Something Unexpected


You should always be prepared for emergencies, so its wise to teach your children about the importance of safety and the protocols and procedures to be followed when these unfortunate times strike.



5-Year-Old Stays on the Line with 911 to Save Dad and the Conversation She  Has Is Priceless


In Indiana, a man was tucking his daughter for bedtime when he started to experience chest pains. When it did not subside, he decided to call 911; and as the line connects, he found himself unable to speak due to difficulty in breathing. So his five-year-old daughter, Savannah Hensley, took over the call to save his daddy’s life.

Brave Little Girl Calls 911 To Save Dad's Life, And Her Conversation With  The Dispatcher Is Cracking - YouTube



She was surprisingly calm for her age (most five-year-olds would probably cry and freak out) during the entire conversation with the dispatcher. She even followed his instructions with the confidence and maturity of an adult.




The funny thing is that when the 911 operator said that an ambulance is on the way, she was worried that she was not dressed for the paramedics, because they were in their jammies at the time.

Thanks to her, her father was immediately given with the proper medical attention.


Watch the adorable conversation below:



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Written by andrew

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