Ghost Hunters Searching for Lost Souls in Cannock Chase …See What They Caught on Camera!

Ghost Hunters Searching for Lost Souls in Cannock Chase …See What They Caught on Camera!

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Tom and his team, who runs a YouTube channel for haunted house experience, spent six long hours searching for signs of paranormal activity.

Captions can be read on the video stating, “Watch how the figure holds its own source of light within the darkness of the woods.”

“The body of a living person would not carry its own light source in the pitch black woods like this.”

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Here’s some captures from the hair-raising video taken by 23-year old Tom Buckmaster. As seen in the footage, a white apparition can be found in the pitch black darkness of the eerie forest.

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Tom, together with his team named Haunted Finders, were chased by the ominous entity and proceeded to throw a rock at the group. What made it more spooky was that he heard a voice saying, “We’re watching.”

“This is the best visual evidence we have ever caught,” Tom says.

He reported that the film was shot on October 10 at around 7:00 p.m. in the infamous Cannoch Chase.

The story of the black-eyed child gained Internet attention just a year ago based on eyewitness accounts of its sighting in Cannock Chase for the first time in 30 years.

Stories from witnesses claim that the child cries for help and giggles. They hypothesized that the specter could be one of the countless entombed bodies after dying in a workhouse.

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