
Georgia Aquarium Sets The Record As World’s Largest Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium in the US hast set the new world record for the largest aquarium and holds more than 8.5 million gallons of salt and freshwater and displays up to 120, 000 animals from 500 different species.

Now the world’s largest aquarium attraction, it has been showcasing exhibits, including the stunning 6 million gallon Ocean Voyager tank, since 2005.




On display are four young whale sharks, two beluga whales and two manta rays.




PWP Studio 2009

The Georgia Aquarium is the only institution outside of Asia that is home to the largest living fish species. It exhibits the Great Hammerhead sharks and is one of four aquariums in the world that displays manta rays.





The Aquarium has five different galleries that display corresponding specific environments: Georgia Explorer, Tropical Diver, Ocean Voyager, Cold Water Quest, and River Scout. The Ocean Voyager has the second largest window and features a 30 meter underwater tunnel.

Georgia Aquarium is collaborating with Georgia Tech and Georgia State University and the University of Georgia in Athens to help save endangered species through education and research programs.




Watch these videos about the world’s largest aquarium:

Written by andrew

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