Sharnados Aren’t Real, but Sharkcanos Are …Footage Proves Sharks Do Live Inside Volcanoes

Sharnados Aren’t Real, but Sharkcanos Are …Footage Proves Sharks Do Live Inside Volcanoes

But what’s more surprising is that there were sharks. Yes, you read it right. Sharks.

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If you think these gigantic mutant hybrids aren’t real, then you are wrong. These images featuring several sharks were captured by the underwater camera that Phillips and his team sent. As of the moment, there is not much info about these creatures. But it’s surprising to know that sharks exist even in the hottest part of the waters.

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“These large animals are living in what you have to assume is much hotter and much more acidic water, and they’re just hanging out,” said Phillips. “What sort of changes have they undergone? Are there only certain animals that can withstand it? Do they get an early warning and escape the caldera before it gets explosive, or do they get trapped and perish in steam and lava?”

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The world may not have witnessed actual sharks coming out of molten rocks and attacking people, but scientists now discovered their weakness. It’s humans.

If we look at statistics, shark attacks are incredibly rare. As a matter of fact, the most that have been recorded in a year is only 40. With this information, we can say that there is only 1 in 11.5 million chance of experiencing an actual shark attack.

Technically, sharks are all like:

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