
17 Reasons Watermelon is Pretty Much the Greatest Fruit Ever

A lot of people love watermelon. It is an especially refreshing fruit that will cool you right off. But, there are others who are still not convinced. So, here is a number of reasons it is probably the greatest fruit ever.

It doubles as art.

You can add some lime, salt, and chile powder for the best/spiciest fruit snack out there.

It comes with it’s own edible bowl!

Watermelon juice is absolutely delicious and SO good for you! Double Whammy.

Not to mention, its really pretty.

Hippos have proved over time that they LOVE watermelons, and when was the last time a hippo was wrong? Exacccctly…

There is a well-documented love affair going on between cats and watermelons.

If you add alcohol, it just gets better.

Just sayin’.


When you freeze watermelon, beautiful things happen.

Did you know there are square watermelons? Yah, crazy world we live in.

Watermelon Slice Jell-o Shots.

It’s fashionable…..

…Apparently, REALLY fashionable.

You can have it for breakfast…


…Or for lunch.

..Or as a fun Summer appetizer.

Or are you more of a dessert person?

…And, let’s face it, we are all addicted to Sour Watermelons.


Here is another reason watermelon is the best Need A Unique Thirst-Quencher? This Watermelon Keg Is The Answer!



Written by andrew

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