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6. Marie-Louise Meilleur
Years alive: August 29, 1880 – April 16 1998
Age:117 years 230 days
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One of the supercentenarian as well is, Mari-Louise Meilleur was the oldest person after the death of Jeanne Calment, and also holds the record as oldest Canadian. She was born in Kamouraska, a village on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River near the city of Quebec. Meilleur benefited from her Catholic roots, as records from her church confirmed her date of birth and actual age. Throughout her life, Meilleur is said to have been a cigarette smoker until her nineties. She died several years later of a blood clot, and was housed in the same nursing home as her son and 90 year old daughter.
5. Sarah Knauss
Years alive: September 24, 1880 – December 30, 1999
Age: 119 years 97 days
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Sarah Knauss has the most interesting birthplace compared to anyone in this list. Before Los Angeles claimed the glitzy Hollywood, the name belonged to a small town in Hollywood, Pennsylvania (now a part of Hazleton). For a majority of her life, Knauss was a homemaker and insurance office manager. She was said to have been a naturally peaceful person, and according to her daughter that contributed to her long and eventful life as the world’s oldest American. Knauss died at the Phoebe-Devitt Home Foundation Facility on December 30, 1999 of old age. Her funeral was attended by state representative Charlie Dent who described Knauss as “an extraordinary woman”.
6. Kamato Hongo
Years alive: September 16, 1887 – October 31, 2003
Age: 116 years 45 days (allegedly)
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Before her death in 2003, Kamato Hongo was possibly the oldest person alive. Hongo was born in Tokunoshima, a small island with a population of 27,000. Coincidentally, this was the same island where fellow supercentenarian Shigechiyo Izumi was born. She was a local celebrity when she transferred to Kagoshima (another area where many old people are known to live long lives) with her daughter most likely due to her age, and even spanned a few merchandises bearing her image.
7. Maria Esther Heredia de Capovilla
Years alive: September 14, 1889 – 27th August 2006
Age: 116 years 347 days
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One of the Supercentenarian is, Ecudorian Maria Capovilla lived a lavish lifestyle. She was born to a colonel and constantly rubbed elbows with the elite. Despite all this, Capovilla did not smoke or drink when she attended their social functions. Copovilla lived a long and healthy life but she nearly died at the age of 100. She somehow was able to pull through and by the time she reached 116 during the year 2005, she was still able to watch television, read the paper and even walk without the aid of a stick. Capovilla’s old age eventually crept up on her as her health gradually declined. Eighteen days before her 117th birthday, she died of pneumonia.
Elizabeth Bolden
Years alive: August 15, 1890 – December 11, 2006
Age: 116 years 118 days
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Until the time of her death on December 11, 2006, Elizabeth Bolden was the oldest living person during her time. Her case remains undisputed, as she was able to provide all the necessary documents in proving her age. Bolden’s back story was equally as rich as her fruitful life. She was the daughter of freed slaves in Somerville, Tennessee and outlived 5 of her 7 children by the time of her death. Bolden was able to witness the births of several grandchildren and even more great-great grandchildren. She may have been the world’s oldest person, but she shied away from cameras or the media. Bolden eventually passed away of old age.
Are you amazed by these? Maybe in the next century you will be called as one of the Supercentenarian.