These Cities all Have Something Remarkable about Them

These Cities all Have Something Remarkable about Them

5. Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

This beautiful harbor district in the Danish capital of Copenhagen has colorful houses on one side of the canal and wooden ships on the other as the main attraction in Nyhavn. The old houses were built back in the seventeenth century, some of them turning into restaurants and cafés.

House No. 9 built in 1661 is the oldest house in Nyhavn, but it still flaunts its original form. Many of these old houses in Nyhavn have been the home of popular Danish artists. House No. 20 had been the house of famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen.

6. Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway


Located in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is Longyearbyen, the northernmost town in the world. The town was named after John Longyear, the American who started the Arctic Coal Company in 1906.

The colorful wooden houses are built on piles to keep the houses away from the permanently frozen ground. Longyearbyen is a small community of only 2,040 inhabitants. As there are no clear road connection in this town, the local people prefer snow scooters as a means of transportation.


7. Santorini, Greece


This beautiful island southeast of Greece have fifteen traditional and picturesque villages. The brilliant whitewashed houses and cobblestone narrow streets are the main attraction in the area. Houses have balconies that provide a stunning view of the sunset and the volcano in the island.

It is believed that it was the local people of Santorini who started to use whitewash in painting their houses during the nineteenth century because whitewash is cheap, durable, and has oxidizing properties. This white coloration eventually became Santorini’s trademark.

8. Burano, Venice, Italy

Burano is a pretty small island in the Northern Venetian lagoon. The archipelago has four islands connected by bridges. The main attraction of this island is the multicolored houses on either side of the waters. The green waters of the canals reflect these picturesque houses, making it truly look like a paradise.

People living in Burano in the old days lived off from fishing. During winter season, fishermen found it hard to recognize their homes because of heavy fog. So they decided to paint their houses with different colors.

Today the houses in Burano follow a particular color scheme. Residents in the village who like to paint their homes must first send an official request to the government who, in turn, will notify the residents which color they are permitted to paint their home with.

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