How This Formerly Obese Young Man Overcame a Binge-Eating Disorder and Transformed His Body into 200 Pounds of Pure Muscle

How This Formerly Obese Young Man Overcame a Binge-Eating Disorder and Transformed His Body into 200 Pounds of Pure Muscle

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This started an unhealthy binge-eating cycle where he would extremely limit his diet during the weekdays, only to consume seemingly endless amounts of junk food during weekends.

“Over the next year, I started running three miles a day, hitting the weight room and consuming less than 1,000 calories per day, Monday through Friday. Then on the weekends, I would eat about 4,000 calories each day. Still, I was dropping weight,” he explained in the interview.

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Beau’s father grew concerned over the habits of his son and advised him to go see a personal trainer. He took his father’s advice and started working out with Justin Blevins, who was a trainer at the Hero Training Center. It was then that Beau finally opened his mind to the truth that his relationship with food and exercise was messed up.

“I started eating seven meals a day, weight-trained like crazy, and most importantly, stopped binge-eating.”

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Now, Beau has finally overcome his binge-eating disorder. He now weighs a very healthy 200 pounds, but in the effort to maintain his healthy and fit body and to ensure that he doesn’t stray into the old lifestyle, he makes an effort to cook his own meals. Every Sunday, he goes grocery shopping and spends the afternoon cooking his meals for the rest of the week. This way, he limits himself only to food that he knows is well-prepared and is healthy for him.

“If a meal is already prepared, it takes away any temptation to order a pizza or pick up Chinese takeout,” he explained.

Beau also makes it a point to get up early every day to work out so as to start off his day on an energetic note. He also keeps himself inspired by writing motivational quotes on his mirror. He is also currently training to compete in the Men’s Physique division of the National Physique Committee in the summer of 2016, so his diet is more restricted than normal.

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During his training, his eating routine for a whole day consists of five meals—one with six ounces of lean protein, one with six ounces of fattier protein, another meal as an omelet, and the remaining two meals being protein shakes. He also includes sweet potatoes, green vegetables, fruit, and oatmeal in his diet.


He does indulge once in a while, but Beau prefers to refer to his occasional indulgences as “rewards” rather than “cheat meals.” It was something that he had learned from his workout sessions.

“I would be lying if I said that they never make me feel guilty, but I’m still working to overcome every aspect of my mental struggle from my eating disorder,” he noted.

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Now, after having overcome his eating disorder, Beau relates that he has developed more self-confidence in his appearance. He has also noticed that he has a lot more energy these days, all the better to continue to engage in the things he likes doing. One of those things happens to be singing in front of huge crowds of people, something that the average person would normally dread.

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“Over time I have gained more confidence,” Beau Jacobson said. “I sing gigs around town and now I’m not even afraid to step up in front of a large crowd and sing.”

In 2014, Beau auditioned for American Idol, the famous TV contest for aspiring singers. Although his attempt was unsuccessful, he released his album In Other Words on iTunes a year later.

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