Getting a welcome hug from your dog after a long day’s work can be such a pure bliss. It is also one cute way to connect with our canine pals. If you own one, you possibly know the feeling of being lapped and hugged by a dog.
Take this man and his adorable dog Pashmak, for example.
When the man comes home from work, Pashmak comes running to welcome his master. When the man asks for a hug, the dog jumps right up into his arms for real. Aww. Isn’t that sweet?
The man writes on YouTube, “He’d been left all alone at home, and he was so excited to see us. He could have jumped a house to give us a hug.”
The bond between between this dog and his owner is so incredible it will surely melt your heart. If you were the man, I’m sure you’d always look forward to going home each night.
Watch this video that proves that all a dog needs is to give love and be loved in return.
Here’s another man-and-dog story that hopefully puts a smile on your face:
This dog gives this owner a hug – a hug that’s sweet enough to make everybody around go “Aww…”
This dog owner taught his Golden Retriever how to hug. Naturally, Golden Retrievers are loving dogs so the act of hugging comes natural to them
You might even want to teach your dog this special trick. Watch the video below:
Here are other videos of hugging (and huggable!) dogs:
Want more hugs from dogs?


Here are other articles about lovable dogs:
Babies and Dogs – Extreme Cuteness Overload
This is a Beautiful Story of a One-armed Girl and Her Three-legged Dog
This Toddler Sleeps with the Most Adorable Companion…You’ve Got to See What It Is
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