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24 Outrageous Pet Products You Never Knew Existed


These pets are living like humans. They have their set of wardrobe complete with sparkly accessories, they have their own little room, sofa bed and playgrounds and every little thing your kids have.

Call them prima donnas, but because a lot of owners would want their buddies the luxury they deserve, these ridiculous products exist and continue to evolve. Check out 24 of the most outrageous products ever created to give your pets the opulence of their lives.

Cat Beret

Make way for her royal highness.

Sexy Beast Dog Perfume

A mix of natural patchouli, mandarin, and nutmeg oils for just $70 will totally make your dog smell sleek and fresh.

Overhead Playground

Your kids are dying in envy.

Dog House Sofa

Now all they need is TV, a cup of popcorn and a couple of Pepsi.

Pet Jewelry

They definitely deserve these blings.




The Pet High Chair

An alternative sit for dogs to promote more refined behavior might not be very helpful.

Crooning for Cats

Teyus Music created a series of songs made specifically for the enjoyment of cats, it seems to be working just fine.


Nightstand Litter Box

Hopefully your pets would find them when they need to poop.

The Doggone Dog Thong

Made of charcoal cloths to neutralize any of your dog’s anally-emitted odors, these dog thongs look, well, funny than what it’s supposed to be.

Burger Pillow

Now you don’t have to worry where your cat is hiding during those cold nights.


Bubbletastic Bacon Bubble Blower

One way to keep your dogs on the run is to have this Bubbletastic bubble blower with bacon scents, but be careful because they might run wild after knowing they’re not bacon.


If there is men-mani, there are also polish for pets, in nail arts and 3D.

Cat Tunnel Sofa

If you want to keep your sofa clean and hair-free from dogs, you better have this one.

The Cat Stroller

So cats have strollers too, lucky cat!

Croc Cat Bed

If you don’t want your pet cat sleeping on your Crocs, then you have to provide them one, just like this.



Pet Peek Fence Window

Poor dog, he can’t get out of the fence so he just have to watch his neighbors play across the road.

The Bow-Lingual

Well, here’s another run for your money, a bow-lingual dog translator that determines the emotions of your dog based on their barks.


Here’s one for the cats too.

Cat Table

For $5,000 you can have a cat table with series of tunnels and openings to satisfy the curiousity of your cat.

Piped Blazer

Going to a black tie affair but can’t leave your cat at home? You can always spruce up your pet with this piped blazer worth $69.




Purr Detector Collar

When you want to know when your cat purred but you can’t hear it, all you need is this purr detector collar.

The Goldfish Walker

Surely, your pet fish is getting bored in its little aquarium, so how about getting them into a little tour outside?

A Master Suite

Don’t feel bad that you are staying in a five star hotel while your cat is alone at home. You can always give them a comfy vacation by setting up a master suite for them while you’re away.

Dog Sling Carrier

Pet purses just got a fabulous makeover into a sling carrier.


Check out these videos below.

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Written by kanishadmin

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