These are the Most Hilarious “Sports Faces” Ever Caught on Film …OMG!

These are the Most Hilarious “Sports Faces” Ever Caught on Film …OMG!

11. He’s Got Some Balls

12. “My Condolences”

13. What a Surprise!

14. Long Game, Long Face

15. Slow Motion


16. “Who put the powders on the ball?!”

17. Bleh!

18.  Run, Grandma, Run

19. The face that launched a thousand balls

20. Not Another Dive

It’s always a great time to watch a game with these fellows around, don’t you think?


More funny faces in the links below

These Kids are Crying for Unbelievably Hilarious Reasons, Too Cute For Words

26 Babies Who Obviously Hate Picture Days




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