19 Dream Careers That Will Make You Quit Your Ordinary Job Today

19 Dream Careers That Will Make You Quit Your Ordinary Job Today

Chocolate Taster

A dream job for people with sweet tooth. A chocolate tester is an in-house worker for a chocolate maker company or a supermarket and other shops. The tester is tasked with testing stock and make market research. A good way for dessert lovers to indulge their favorite food.

Beer Taster

Some individuals are very lucky to have a full-time job to drink beer. According to Daily Mail, the only female beer taster in England stated that she sometimes get to drink or taste 36 beers in a day.


Ice Cream Taster

What other dessert would people love to eat for a living aside from chocolates? One of the most popular snacks in America, ice cream comes in a variety of flavors. This means that ice cream testers are always busy. John Harrison, a Dreyer tester, says that his job requires him to taste every flavor the company produces.

Professional Traveler

TheBrigTrip.com was looking for someone to be their travel correspondent. The correspondent’s job was to travel the United States for twelve weeks. He or she will write a travel blog and also host Webisodes for the site. The travel correspondent will earn $50,000 as a salary. The company will pay for all travel expenses and a health insurance. The site had already closed applications in November of 2009.

Sex Columnist or Sex Blogger

This profession has been around for a long time. It became more attractive when Carrie Bradshaw‘s Sex and the City became a hit show. Writing about your sex life or your friends’ sex lives is a liberating and therapeutic experience. Although unlike the show, real-life sex writers would have a hard time buying Manolo Blahniks with their salary. Many sex columnists today are bloggers, so it can only mean that you can work in your bed.

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