How far would you go just to earn some bucks? Some sell their luxury items or work extra hours, but for this teenager, there’s an easier way to get some money—except that it’s not legally acceptable.
A fifteen-year-old-girl was charged with child pornography after authorities were informed that she had been selling her own naked pictures and videos.
According to the court, her twenty transactions have earned her more than $1,000.
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The girl used a messaging application called Kik in order to promote her “merchandise”. The whole process was quite simple. She would just post in the app that she was selling stuff. If someone is interested with her advertisement, she would then reveal that she was selling her own intimate photos and videos.
The men who wanted her revealing media were well aware that she was just 15 years old. But still, they bought her items and paid her via Paypal.

With the help of a search warrant, the court has gained access to the crucial e-mail information of the girl’s clients, especially the repeat customers.
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The videos didn’t reveal her face, but it did contain very explicit material. She will still be charged with distributing child pornography even though the material she sent was her own.
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The girl mentioned to her relatives that she had been taking naked photos of herself and had been soliciting them online. The concerned relatives contacted her mother, who then reported her findings to the police.
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The youngster was charged with a felony offense. The hearing for the case is still ongoing, which is currently being supervised in a juvenile court.
Watch the video below