
142 Years Of Blue Jeans are Captured in these 20 Epic Photos


We all love a good pair of jeans. In fact, because it’s a wardrobe staple for everyone in this planet, almost all of us have a couple or more jeans in our closet.

While it is known that factory workers in the early 18th century wore jeans in cotton fabric mostly due to its durability, it was not until Leob Strauss (now the renowned brand Levi) and Jacob Davis created these timeless denim jeans for miners during the gold rush in California that jeans became known worldwide.

Let’s take a look at how our most favorite fashion pieces came into this world.

1873 — The Original Blue Jean

Called as “XX” and was the best denim in the US, Levi’s noted that this first patented pair of jeans with one pocket and cinched belt was created for Amoskea Manufacturing Company in Manchester, New Hampshire.

1910s — “Dungarees”

Dungarees are one of the major fashion trend comebacks since last year. But, did you know that this type of pants can be traced back to the early 1900s when women wore men’s castoff jeans, while working as replacements for men in WW1?

1920s/30s — Work Pants For Cowboys and Farm Folk

Jeans back then were used for heavy work, while women wore them in the farm. Then, jeans were high waisted and wide legged.

1940s — Women Get Theirs

In the 1940s, women finally got the right fit for their jeans. Before this happened though, they wore men’s pants when they started working in factories for safety reasons.




1950s — Jeans Become “Cool”

From work clothes, jeans finally got a reboot and became part of fresh and casual fashion pieces. Varieties of designs emerged from narrow fit to rolled cuffs and zippered flys.

1960s — New Colors, New Cuts

After a decade, jeans fashion ventured into different colors with different styles for women to choose from.






1970s — Bell Bottom Mania

The comeback of flared jeans this year is credited to its premier in the 1970s when bell bottoms became the biggest name in the jeans industry. They feature high, tight waist bands and flared out cuffs.

1980s — (Dis)Stressed To The Max

The grunge came on big time in 1980s and jeans got a ripped makeover. Distressed and ripped jeans were the biggest trends during this year.

1990s — Mom Jeans For All

Mom jeans finally took over during the 1990s. These comfortable transformation of jeans were characterized with high waists, bunchy fronts and loose unflattering flats in the most comfortable ways.

Dungarees also made a comeback in the 1990s and Jnco’s, too.





2000s — Low waists

During the 2000s, high rise jeans flew out of the map and low waist lines replaced the trend. Also, a big trend on jeans during this decade were those with embellished and embroidered pockets.

2010s — How Skinny Can You Go?

2010 is all about height and chic and then, skinny jeans stole the spotlight. These slim fit pants has been in fashion circulation for 5 years already and they is showing no signs of slowing down despite the efforts to bring back the flared jeans back to the spotlight this year.


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Written by andrew

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